Office of the Head of the Civil Service

Public Records and Archives Administration Department

Coat of Arms of Ghana

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As mandated by the PRAAD Act 535 of 1997, the Department is responsible for managing records in all public institutions from creation to disposition and any other duties that would enhance the preservation of public records.


The vision of the Department is “A department with professional excellence in records and archival management”


To preserve Ghana’s collective memory, provide public access by facilitating and overseeing the efficient management of records of all Public institutions and the Private sector using competent staff and modern technology.


  • Establish effective records management systems in both the public and Private sectors of the country.
  • Provide quality services to users through the development of well trained and committed human resources in PRAAD.
  • Ensure quality services to users through the provision of effective support systems.
  • Preserve, conserve, and develop archives and to prepare finding aids for records in custody.
  • Enhance PRAAD’s capacity to deliver services in the regions by establishing fully functional regional offices.


Our core value is to deliver quality records and archival services by ensuring –

  • Professionalism
  • Excellence
  • Integrity
  • Confidentiality


Mr. Gregory Septimus Setse
Ag. Head of PRAAD


In consonance to this the Department’s function is to – 

  • Ensure that public offices, Institutions and individuals who create and maintain records follow good record practices.
  • Establish and implement procedures for the timely disposal of public records of no continuing value.
  • Advise on best practices and establish national standards in records keeping as well as building capacity in records and archival management in the public and private sectors.
  • Establish and implement procedures for the transfer of public records of permanent value for preservation in the national archives or other archival repositories as may be designated under the Act.
  • Perform any function conferred on the national archives under any other existing enactment.


  • Records Management Division
  • Archives Division
  • Training And Research Division
  • HR/Administration

Records Management Division

  • Records Office Unit
  • Electronic Records Management Unit
  • Review Unit
  • Records Centre

Archives Division

  • Reference
  • Editorial
  • Preservation Services Branch
  • Reprographic


  • Security
  • Procurement/Stores
  • Finance Unit
  • IT
  • Internal Audit

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