MoT 2023 Compliance Report

The Ministry of Transport is mandated to formulate policies on Road Transport Services, Aviation, Maritime and Inland waterways; coordinate sector specific interventions; and monitor and evaluate the implementation of policies, programs/projects to ensure high standards of safety, security and cooperation in the transport sector to the general

As part of efforts to improve service delivery enshrined in the Ministry’s mandate, the Client Service Unit has been established to ensure that government services were delivered promptly, efficiently and properly address concerns of the general public.

The Unit serves as the liaison between the Ministry’s Clients and Management and assists Management of the Ministry by ensuring that complaints and other related matters were addressed and information provided to stakeholders in the Transport Sector. This compliance report provides information on the performance of the Unit over the period under review.

The Client Services Officers of the Ministry had the opportunity to attend a Client Service Charter Template and Compliance Monitoring and Reporting Framework Training Workshop. The workshop was held in Koforidua from the 11th – 14th December, 2023 (attached is a report).

The objectives of this CSU compliance report is to:

  • Provide information on details of activities of the Unit for the 1st – 4th quarter of 2023.
  • Examine the Ministry’s compliance with the service delivery standards as
    indicated in the Client Service Charter.
  • To find appropriate means of addressing complaints from clients as well as
    provide recommendations for the Unit.

Click below to download and read the complete report.

MoT 2023 Compliance report

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