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Staff Augmentation
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Staff Augmentation
Our staff augmentation services can help you hire the best candidates in any sectors with any set of skills, from management to operations and IT personals. The simple hiring process can be very tedious and time-consuming other than the fact that it has become 10 times more difficult to find the right person that fits your profile description and workplace. With our services, we can improve the quality quantity of your workforce within a limited period of time.
From around 150+ skills set it is next to impossible for you to find the person with the right set of skills for the job. Since it is not easy to find them you end up spending more cost and time training the current employees according to the needs you have.
We help you reduce your hiring time and cut down your training cost consumption, as you no more have to post job openings and create job descriptions go through with the interviewing and hiring process. Our experts on basis of your requirements will develop, maintain and manage your applications for you, along with the enhanced hiring process for all candidates and profiles. As a small mid or large size company, you can hire candidates on bases on projects seasons or all full time. Virtually staffing will prove cost effective and hassle free for your company and your finances. You will have a direct access to our recourses and will aid you with invoices and interaction with your current and future employee from the comfort of your own office.
The process that brings you desired candidates to work with is concise and easy:
Step 1.
We interact and understand your needs for different job positions and candidates you are looking for.
Step 2.
Our experts work on defining the set skills and parameters required by your company and create the job descriptions for the positions to find the right set of candidates.
Step 3.
We source and choose the best options from our vast network and database of candidates to bring you the best options.
Step 4.
From the said sourced profiles an internal assessment takes place that grades the best choice on basis of their skill set and other parameters like defining their capabilities of adjusting to your work culture and their previous experiences etc.
Step 5.
Background verification is an essential step and this verification is the second in the process as our entire databases are previously verified.
Step 6.
Contact durations and the work scope are discussed and defined for transparency and liquidity between all 3 parties.
Step 7.
Ensuring all requirements stated at the beginning are met with precision and intelligence. Also timely invoicing and the delicate information is conveyed with help of our recourses as per previously stated terms.
Staff Augmentation is the best way to bring a diverse set of intelligence to work and generate immense and instant benefits in terms of projects and yearly company growth. May it be your requirement for a Sales , marketing, finance, content or IT we bring you highly experienced and qualified personals that suit your work requirement and company.